SOLD-SOLD-SOLD Two CS Rosettes-Pair ~ TL7848 $35 SOLD-SOLD-SOLD
For your
For your This item is SOLD consideration two Confederate plain rosettes dug together. Measures about 1 3/4 inches across. Just as du...
$35.00 -
Borwick Bleeder - Civil War Era ~ TL7833 $65
For your consideration one civil war era ble...
For your consideration one civil war era bleeder. The case is brass & the 2 blades are shiny steel. Measures about 3 inches long. Very sharp. BORWICK is easy to see on one of the blades. Eve...
$65.00 -
Lead Nipple Protector for Civil War Rifle ~ TL7827 $15
For your consideration one lead nipple prote...
For your consideration one lead nipple protector for a civil war rifle. In the first photo you can see the long teat which actually fit inside the nipple itself. If a soldier had 25 rounds of am...
$15.00 -
Lead Nipple Protector for Civil War Rifle ~ TL7828 $20
For your consideration one lead nipple...
For your consideration one lead nipple protector for a civil war rifle. In the first photo you can see the shorter teat which actually fit inside the nipple itself. If a soldier had 25 rou...
$20.00 -
SOLD-SOLD-SOLD Bullet in Wood ~ TL7808 $40 SOLD-SOLD-SOLD
This item is sold For your consideration one 3 ring bullet firmly embedded in a piece of ...
$40.00 -
Very Old Wooden Stirrup-Hooded ~ TL7793 $70
Here's a very old hooded stirrup I have had ...
Here's a very old hooded stirrup I have had a long time. I was told this was a North Miss, barn find. The stirrup & thick leather hood, for their age are in excellent condition. The crazing ...
$70.00 -
Parrott Shell Fuse Adaptor-EC ~ TL7784 $55
For your consideration one Parrott She...
For your consideration one Parrott Shell Fuse adaptor made of white metal - pewter. You will find this adaptor to be in excellent dug condition...one of the b...
$55.00 -
Confederate McKee & Mason 398 Bullet-SkirtCast ~ TL7762 $26
For your consideration one McKee & Mason...
For your consideration one McKee & Mason 398 Foreign mold bullet. You will find this bullet to be in excellent<...
$26.00 -
SOLD-SOLD-SOLD Lead Flag from Bullet ~ TL7750 SOLD-SOLD-SOLD
For your
For your This item is SOLD consideration one flattened bullet (my guess a 0.69 cali...
$150.00 -
Civil War Nipple Protector for Rifle ~ TL7740 $16
For your consideration one civil war l...
For your consideration one civil war lead nipple protector for rifle. Condition is excellent dug. The patina is a flawless light white color. The...
$16.00 -
Very Cool CS Fragment-Brass Fuse Included ++ ~ TL7733 $145
For your consideration one very cool fragmen...
For your consideration one very cool fragment from a Confederate cannonball. The condition is excellent dug considered the fragm...
$145.00 -
Star Pattern Brass Heel Plate-Very Nice ~ TL7728 $30
For your conside...
For your consideration one semi-star pattern cast brass boot heel plate. You will find this plate to be in excellent
$30.00 -
Isaac & Campbell Nap Sac Hook Set ~ TL7714 $160
For your consideration one Isaac Campbell na...
For your consideration one Isaac Campbell nap sac hook set dug together. Both pieces are in excellent dug condition. The patina ...
$160.00 -
SOLD-SOLD-SOLD Civil War Era Flint Knapping Hammer ~ SOLD-SOLD-SOLD
For your consideration
For your consideration This item is SOLD one civil war era or earlier flint knapping hammer. Measures almost 4 inches long & wou...
$70.00 -
Confederate Unbreakable Brass Spur ~ TL7632 $70
For your consideration one Confederate brass...
For your consideration one Confederate brass spur listed in both spur books as CS4 Unbreakable. Described this way, by Crouch, nearly unbreakable since it is so heavily...
$70.00 -
20 Old Clay Marbles TL7567 $30
For your consideration 20 clay marbles. None...
For your consideration 20 clay marbles. None are broken or cracked. The color is white to grey & all shades in between. They measure anywhere from 0.75 (brown Bess) to 0.84 (Wiard cannister ...
$30.00 -
Confederate "Unbreakable" Spur - Nice TL7555 $160
For your consideration one CS4 Confederate s...
For your consideration one CS4 Confederate spur, Crouch & Baird's books, unbreakable. You will find this spur to be in
$160.00 -
Pewter Canteen Spout - Nice TL7494 $25
For your consideration one pewter canteen sp...
For your consideration one pewter canteen spout in excellent dug condition. Real nice white patina especially for pewter. Minor chipping on bottom only...see photo 3.
$25.00 -
3 Old, Lead RailRoad Car Seals - All Marked $20 TL7488
For your consideration 3 lead railroad seals...
For your consideration 3 lead railroad seals. All 3 have very nice white to brown patinas. The 1st seal is marked front EATRA or E&TRA,
$20.00 -
TL7476 Bayonet Scabbard Tip - Corinth $22
For your consideration one bayonet scabbard ...
For your consideration one bayonet scabbard tip. You will find this scabbard tip to be in very good dug condition. A real nice, deep brown patina.
$22.00 -
TL7417 Heavy, Dragoon Type Stirrup - EC $50
For your consideration one iron, heavy style...
For your consideration one iron, heavy style, horse stirrup. Condition is excellent slightly used. Measures about 5 1/2 inches t...
$50.00 -
TL7408 Dug Brass Heel Plate - EC $35For your consideration one solid brass heel pla...For your consideration one solid brass heel plate. A thick piece of civil war brass. You will find this plate to be in excellent du...$35.00
SOLD TL7359 Stacked Burnside Hulls SOLD
This item is SOLD. For your consideration one stack of Burnside hulls. One inside the other. Looks like there ...
$25.00 -
SOLD TL7251 Richmond Spur - Dug Jonesboro, TN SOLDThis spur is sold. For your consideration one broken Richmond, VA spur. Overall the condition is$85.00
SOLD TL7066 Fishing Sinker made from a Enfield Bullet SOLDSOLD For your consideration one 0.54 caliber Enfield bullet that has been fashioned into a fishing sinker. The hole...$14.00
TL6979 Heavy Brass Sword Hanger $45.00For your consideration one very heavy brass swo...For your consideration one very heavy brass sword hanger. You will find this hanger to be in excellent dug condition. I see no dama...$45.00
TL6907 Iron Heel Plate - UniqueFor your consideration one large size iron boot...For your consideration one large size iron boot heel plate. Crudely made - excellent condition. Possibly black - camp smith made. Measures almost 3 1/2 inches long. On the backside the letters U O ...$22.00
SOLD TL6773 Pewter - Heart Pattern Heel Plate SOLDSOLD For your consideration one Heart pattern heel plate made from pewter...second one second one of these I have h...$45.00
SOLD TL6772 Iron - Heart Pattern Heel Plate SOLDSOLDSOLD For your consideration one Heart pattern heel plate made from iron...first one I have ever seen made from iron. The condition is e...$45.00
Heart Boot Hill Plate TL5594
For your consideration one heart boot hill p...
For your consideration one heart boot hill plate dug from the North Georgia area. All 3 nail holes can be seen. Cleanly broken right thru the middle. Almost 2 inches tall. A relic with a whole l...
$20.00 -
10 Gauge Shotgun Brass Hull TL5742
For your consideration one 10 gauge shotgun ...
For your consideration one 10 gauge shotgun brass hull. You will find this hull to be in excellent condition. The patina is a beautiful aged brass color. Just over 2 1/2 inches long.
$15.00 -
Shear Top Green Glass Inkwell TL5934
For your consideration one shear top green g...
For your consideration one shear top green glass inkwell. The condition is excellent with no chips, no cracks & plenty of air bubbles in the glass.
$18.00 -
Iron Boot Hill Plate TL1842
For your consideration one iron boot hill pl...
For your consideration one iron boot hill plate. You can see its in excellent dug condition. A strong boot plate with no breaks & the rust you see is surface rust only. There is just enough ...
$15.00 -
Two Iron Heel Plates TL2668
For your consideration 2 iron heel plates. B...
For your consideration 2 iron heel plates. Both plates are in great dug condition, all have clear nail holes. Both have seen service. Seems to me to be a set. Shipping is $4.50.
$30.00 -
SOLD Camp Brass TL2434 SOLD
This item is SOLD. Here’s a couple pieces of camp brass. The top photo is of a bayonet scabbard tip…..less the...
$9.00 -
Partial Shoulder Scale TL3184
For your consideration one partial shoulder ...
For your consideration one partial shoulder scale…this is the end piece, measures about 3 3/4 inches wide & both sides are still firmly attached together. Great dug patina. I guess we have e...
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