SOLD-SOLD-SOLD Two CS Rosettes-Pair ~ TL7848 $35 SOLD-SOLD-SOLD
For your
For your This item is SOLD consideration two Confederate plain rosettes dug together. Measures about 1 3/4 inches across. Just as du...
$35.00 -
Borwick Bleeder - Civil War Era ~ TL7833 $65
For your consideration one civil war era ble...
For your consideration one civil war era bleeder. The case is brass & the 2 blades are shiny steel. Measures about 3 inches long. Very sharp. BORWICK is easy to see on one of the blades. Eve...
$65.00 -
1856 Silver Quarter-Love Token ~ TL7800 $100
For your consideration one 1856 seated liber...
For your consideration one 1856 seated liberty silver quarter. This one has been made into a love token. Both attachment points are present...the pin part is gone. Great detail front & back....
$100.00 -
Lined I Cuff Button-SKW Backmark ~ TL7778 $160
For your consideration one lined I cuff butt...
For your consideration one lined I cuff button with the hard to find S K W back mark listed in Tice as CSI203Am. Tice lists these cuff buttons as s...
$160.00 -
1861 O Seated Liberty Half Dollar Coin ~ TL7763 $110
For your consideration one 1861 sitting libe...
For your consideration one 1861 sitting liberty half dollar silver coin. Good detail front & back. On the back a clear O (New Orleans) mint mark can be seen. See all 5 photos.
Always ...
$110.00 -
Star Pattern Brass Heel Plate-Very Nice ~ TL7728 $30
For your conside...
For your consideration one semi-star pattern cast brass boot heel plate. You will find this plate to be in excellent
$30.00 -
Isaac & Campbell Nap Sac Hook Set ~ TL7714 $160
For your consideration one Isaac Campbell na...
For your consideration one Isaac Campbell nap sac hook set dug together. Both pieces are in excellent dug condition. The patina ...
$160.00 -
Gutter Back Sword Hanger ~ TL7678 $85
For your consideration one Confederate g...
For your consideration one Confederate gutter back sword hanger. You will find this hanger to be in excellent dug condi...
$85.00 -
CS Droop Wing Eagle Button - with Circular Laurel Wreath ~ TL7653 $300
For your consideration one Albert’s CS...
For your consideration one Albert’s CS41A Army Officer confederate droop wing eagle button with the eagle standing on a circular wreath…see photo 1 & 4…its fa...
$300.00 -
W. WILDT - North Carolina Button ~ TL7636 $150
For your consideration one W. WILDT & SO...
For your consideration one W. WILDT & SON/RICHMOND Va. North Carolina state seal button. Listed in Albert's NC8B & Tice NC210B The back mark is sometimes illegible<...
$150.00 -
Brass Sword Hanger ~ TL7618 $45
For your consideration one brass sword hange...
For your consideration one brass sword hanger. You will find this hanger to be in excellent dug condition...see all 3 photos. Th...
$45.00 -
Whole Burnside Cartridge ~ TL7616 $90
For your consideration one Thomas handbook 8...
For your consideration one Thomas handbook 89 Burnside cartridge in excellent whole dug-not a put toge...
$90.00 -
TL7103 Copper Back Confederate A Button $310.00For your consideration one Tice's CSA240A3<...For your consideration one Tice's CSA240A3 Blank with a brass face and copper back and shank. This is the blank backed E. M. LEWIS & CO/ RICHMOND A button. Condition...$310.00
TL7034 19mm Lined I Button P Tait $165.00For your considerat...For your consideration one 19mm vest size lined I button. Overall the condition of this button is excellent$165.00
SOLD TL7000 S. Isaac Campbell Nap Sac Hook Set SOLDSOLD For your consideration one S. Isaac Campbell nap sac hook set. Made in England & used by Confederate troop...$130.00
TL6994 C. ROWLEY I Button CSA $350.00
For your conside...
For your consideration one C. Rowley I coat button. Tice lists as CSI209A & states one of the rarest of Confederate I buttons. Albert’s ...
$350.00 -
North Carolina Cuff Button EC TL6636For your consideration one North Carolina cuff ...For your consideration one North Carolina cuff button. Condition is excellent dug. The patina is a shiny black color. I do not see a single patina chip. On the back a strong, up ri...$165.00
Pewter Cast I Button with Cast Shank Intact TL6612For your consideration one pewter cast I coat b...For your consideration one pewter cast I coat button complete with the cast shank. The shank is almost 100% intact. On the front the I & outside border can be plainly seen. Some ground action. ...$180.00
Louisania Local Coat Button TL5417
For your consideration one Louisania local c...
For your consideration one Louisania local coat button. Tice lists as a Charles Bellenot of New Orleans blank back button, LA249. The detail on the front is great with about 15% gold guilt still...
$300.00 -
Confederate A Coat Button TL5631
For your consideration one British manufactu...
For your consideration one British manufactured Confederate A coat button. Tice lists as CSA203As2. The front has an outside border, a plain back ground with a lined A. The front has a domed sha...
$180.00 -
Confederate Script I Button TL5646
For your consideration one Alberts CS177-2/T...
For your consideration one Alberts CS177-2/Tice CS215B3 Confederate script I button. You will find this button is in excellent dug condition. The front has great detail. All is strong & tigh...
$130.00 -
Eagle D Cuff Button
For your consideration one eagle D cuff butt...
For your consideration one eagle D cuff button. The front has a real nice domed shape with very good detail…a little faint. The back has an upright shank & markings can be seen. Everything i...
$25.00 -
SOLD Confederate A Button TL6288 SOLD
SOLD Fo...
SOLD For your consideration one Confederate A button. You will find this button to be in excellent dug condition. The A has very good definition, the outside...
$200.00 -
Louisana Cuff Button With The Pelican Facing To The Right Button TL3085
For your consideration one Louisana cuff but...
For your consideration one Louisana cuff button with the Pelican facing to the right button. You will find this button to be in excellent dug condition. The front shows great detail with gold gu...
$270.00 -
Confederate Script I Cuff Button TL6440
For your consideration one cuff script I but...
For your consideration one cuff script I button. Albert lists as a CS177 Av. All is strong. The front has great detail & eye appeal. With a magnifying glass the fine lines inside of the I ca...
$280.00 -
Maryland 15 mm cuff button TL6526
For your consideration one Maryland 15 mm cu...
For your consideration one Maryland 15 mm cuff button. You will find this button to be in excellent non dug condition. A 3 piece button with 100% gold guilt on the front & outside rim. GREAT...