Confederate Side Cast Bullet - Longstreet - TL7671 $22



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For your consideration one McKee & Mason 379 - Thomas handbook 168 Southern manufacture bullet. You will find this bullet to be in excellent dug condition. The patina is a near perfect, slick-waxy feelin', light tan color.  Notice the very pointed nose in all 4 bullet photos. The side cast mark is of the small variety, its distinct & easy to see. Crisp upward slanting rings. Cone cavity. Measures about 0.57 x 1.015 inches. See all 5 photos. 

Bullet is labeled Dandridge Area  4. Dandridge, NE Tenn one site of CS General Longstreet's Campaign to No Where. The first winter after Gettysburg with bone chilling low temperatures. Opposed by The Lilly of the Valley - US Gen Eli Lilly founder of today's Lilly Pharmaceuticals. Its not often when you can purchase a minute from history.

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